Common Ground, Beirut (Lebanon)

The commission was to rebuild the area of the souks of Beirut which had been destroyed during the 20 years of war. The scheme is a horizontal plateau which cuts the sloping topography of the site.  In this way a part of the location ‘pops up’ out of the plateau as a memory to the historical urban structure that was there before the war. The other part of the location gets ‘covered’ by the plateau, which gives a new interpretation to the former urban structure and new conditions for contemporary uses such as a conference centre, cinemas, parking, etc.


The plateau is standing like one big urban public space, which opens to the Mediterranean Sea connecting past and future and hopefully giving a new peaceful common ground for co-existence in Beirut.
Program . offices, retail, hous 
Client .
Foundation Solidere
Size .
130,000 sq. meters
Status . completed 1994
Team . 
Erwin de Maar

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